Blogging as a form of Writing

As I was digging today at work, I came across a link for 10 tips on good writing. This appealed to me because everyone loves tips and most college kids suck at writing. My favorite quote is:

Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you’re doomed. ~Ray Bradbury

It reminds me of a story about some potters. Not Harry Potter mind you. Now there were two potters and a teacher. The teacher told potter A to make the nicest pot he could. The teacher then told potter B to make as many pots as possible. Potter A spent all his time shaping his one pot to perfection. Meanwhile potter B made as many as he could. In the end, potter A had one nice pot, while potter B was left with much more nicer pots. For you see potter B received more practice and was able to develop better techniques through his many creations.

For the complete list of Tips you can visit this site.


    On September 20, 2007 at 10:35 PM Anonymous said...

    good incentive 2 write